Total Number of Books: 3,379
The Bravest Dog Ever
The Breadwinner (The Breadwinner #1)
The Brethren: Inside the Supreme Court
The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao
The Brightest Night (Wings of Fire #5)
The Bronze Key (Magisterium #3)
The Brothers Hawthorne: The Inheritance Games #4
The Buddha in the Attic
The Bully (Bluford High #5)
The Burning God (The Poppy War, Book 3)
The Burning Maze (the Trials of Apollo Book 3)
The Burning World (Warm Bodies #2)
The Burnouts
The Cabin
The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories
The Call of the Wild
The Cardturner: A Novel about a King, a Queen, and a Joker
The Carnivorous Carnival (A Series of Unfortunate Events #9)