Impact of Pageturner

The impact of Pageturner is clear and simple: Students read more and like reading more. On average, students double the number of books they read in a year. They also identify more strongly as readers and report that reading is much more enjoyable.

  • Since Pageturner's inception, generous supporters have donated 3,936 Kindles and 3,198 e-books to Pageturner! More than 1,000 people from around the world have donated their used Kindles.
  • Pageturner has served 4,844 students in 181 classrooms at all levels, including elementary, middle, and high schools.

From Our Students

“Thank you for the opportunity to read to my heart's content.”
—10th grader, Oakland

“It's like having a whole library in my backpack.”
—7th grader, Oakland

“I like how I can choose whatever books I want to read, and they're on my Kindle.”
—9th grader, Oakland


What Pageturner Means to Me: