It’s officially autumn, teachers and their students are settling into the new school year, and we have some great news to share with you.
First, as always, we want to express our tremendous appreciation for our sustaining donors and our volunteer team.
Speaking of volunteers, we want to welcome a number of new folks to Pageturner’s engineering, operations, and book buying teams. We also are excited to have two teachers heading up the program at Learning Without Limits in Oakland, and Luis Valdez Leadership Academy in San Jose. We are excited to have you all on board.
Our students continue to prove the value of the program, and over the last six months we received almost 150 book requests from students. Some of those were from the Luis Valdez Leadership Academy’s summer school program, a first for Pageturner.
Also over the summer, we were contacted by Student Bono, a student founded and led organization working to place students from around the world in internships with other nonprofit organizations. We are interviewing two students for internship positions on the engineering team.
We received four applications to participate in the classroom program. Our teacher partners at Unity High School in Oakland, Longfellow Middle School in Berkeley, KIPP San Francisco College Preparatory, and Alameda Community Learning Center are currently onboarding with their students.
Remember all those Kindles and Fires we received this year? 1200 new cases are on a container ship somewhere in the Pacific on their way to us. Also on the logistics front, a big thank you to the operations team for creating order from the chaos of boxes and boxes of charging cables and adaptors. More than five hundred of them have been organized and delivered to classroom users.
Finally, kudos to Mark. Contrary to what two Amazon reps told him was impossible, he was able to connect a Kindle Fire to a Macbook, so that our operations team can more efficiently update our Fire tablets in preparation for sending them out into the world again.
That’s it for September (a little late, I know). As always please don’t hesitate to contact us with questions, concerns, or ideas.
Thank you all!