Support Our Mission

Young people like to read. And they deserve access to good books, all the time. There should be no barriers to reading.

The all-volunteer Pageturner catalyzes young people's curiosity and independence by connecting them with an unlimited library of digital books. We currently serve elementary, middle, and high school students in Oakland and the San Francisco Bay Area.

Founded in 2011 as the Kindle Classroom Project, the program has been sending books to students for more than a decade, thanks to the generous support of its donor community. In that time, people like you have donated 4,236 kindles and 3,394 e-books, and those numbers continue to grow. Thank you, Donors!

Here are some ways you can help out.


1. Donate to put books in the hands of young people!

The core of our program is ensuring that young people have access to the books they want to read. When a student requests a book, we buy it and send it to their Kindle within 24 hours. Even better: The book becomes a part of the Pageturner Library, available to all students. And the e-book lasts forever, never getting lost or worn.

A small part of donated funds is used to support the infrastructure to get books to students and support the teachers who work with them. We're able to keep those costs extremely low because the devices that we provide students are all donated, and Pageturner is run by an all-volunteer team.

2. Donate a Kindle!

Donate a new device

To donate a new device for a student, send it to us directly from Amazon!

Thank you very much for your generous gift.

Donate a used device

Pageturner is currently accepting the following devices:

  • Kindles (8th generation and newer)
  • Fires (7th generation and newer)

Here are other ways to donateā€¦

  • Send a check.
    Please make your check out to Pageturner and send it to:

    4232 Montgomery St.
    Oakland, CA 94611

    Be sure to include your name and email so we can thank you.
  • Volunteer your time and skills.
    We're currently looking for a book buyer, a software engineer, and an accountant. Please reach out if you're interested in joining our team.

Thank you so much for contributing to our students and their reading lives! We are very grateful.

Let us know if you have any questions.

Spread the word!